Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Heart Is Broke, But I Have Some Glue

I read this Beth Spotswood person's blog and occasional other pieces at SFGate or SFAppeal and think, "She seems like a nice person." She's funny, charming, intelligent, and she -- in my opinion -- bravely decided to confront her alcoholism late last year and go into rehab for it. She is, as far as I know, still sober seven or eight months later. Good for you, Beth.

She also seems to have lotsa friends who still like her and hang out with her now that she's sober. Maybe she's a total liarpants when she writes about it, but that makes me ridiculously jealous. I'm not afraid to quit drinking (I've done it before -- repeatedly), but I'm afraid that this time, if I do, my friendships with everyone else in the universe will dry up. Because what else do I have in common with everyone I know (or at least, want to know)? We drink.

I was so lonely here for years until I started drinking again. Now, I'm still kinda lonely (break-ups and depression and all that), but at least I know I have friends here who like me and care about me. I didn't have that before.

Life: Confusing!


Also: The saddest looking animal ever.

Hello, World.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I came here because I googled "my heart is broke and i have some glue" - I wanted to check whether I'm right and maybe find an explanation why "broke" not "broken" but Google showed me your site. I just want to say that this is an absorbing blog,think i'm gonna visit it again in the future. and, sorry for that, you can have friends without drinking,in fact it only depends on you. but it's your stuff ofc. cheers!
