Saturday, July 11, 2009

So, tomorrow there's a BBQ fundraiser at a bar in Portero Hill that some friends own/work at/visit often. The fundraiser part is about bringing and donating a new board game. (Read about it here, no one!) I decided to go to Jeffrey's this morning and pick up a board game because a) it's close, and b) they have boardgames.

I get there, and of course I have no idea what board game to get. (They have a lot.) So many choices, so overwhelming, etc. Then I realize: I have no idea who these board games are intended for. Like, little kids? Teenagers? Adults?(!) Anxieties, anxieties!!!

I then spot a game called Anti-Monopoly. It sounded very hippy-dippy-ish, and upon further examination, uh, it I think it is. (It's created by a now-retired SFSU economics professor -- go read about it! Interesting stuff!) But I'm in SF, going to a fundraiser where the average person attending it is somewhere to the left of Ralph Nader, and I think the person behind it is some sort of hippie herself. Perfect! It says ages "8 and Up," but whatever, so long as I don't have to actually meet any poor children in need of a board game, I don't give a fuck. Just take it, and tell me where the fucking cole slaw is.

So now I have a reason to go and drink, eat fattening foods, see friends, and hopefully meet new people who I can masturbate about later.

I'm also proud of myself that I can go into a toy store and not spend $1,000 on random shit. ("I never had Operation as a kid, why not get it now?")

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